A new kind of normal

Hello, I hope your all well and muddling through lock down OK. I need to get into the habit of writing these blog posts more regularly and you would think i’d have more time on my hands at the moment but we have been so busy on the cabin working non stop to get it ready for opening and it is coming along so well!!

So the cabin actually looks like a tiny house now, it has a floor and work tops and paint on the walls. I actually love it!! I can’t wait for you to be able to come and see it 👀👀

I have been on a virtual training course this week to look at the changes covid 19 brings to our new normal and what changes we will have to make. Our ultimate aim is to make our guests feel safe. We only have one cabin at the minute so the isolation we have is fantastic you don’t have to see another soul if you don’t want to. We will need new cleaning procedures in place so that you know we are doing our best to make sure you remain fit and healthy while staying with us. Finding the right cleaning products that are good for the environment and also germ killing is a little more tricky, my search is on going with this. We are going to move all our information into a digital format so that you can download on to your phone, as cleaning paper can prove tricky! We may have wait a little while until we introduce board games and books into the cabin as we can’t clean these effectively but hopefully this isn’t for long.

We have talked alot about how to bring you and your extended family together at Horse Park Hideaway after being apart for so long. We have plans in place so that you and your parents, grand parents or brothers and sisters or whatever family you have missed can come and stay and you can re connect after this agonising time apart. 😁😁

I’ve also starting putting package plans together and I am sooo excited to release these to you soon!

So hopefully we are nearly there, nearly at our new normal and we can start making plans for the future. Not living in this extremely weird limbo we are in at the moment.

I hope you are all well and finding ways to keep entertained through out this.

Stay safe and stay alert 🙊😆

Much love Caroline (and Josh)
